The Affordable Cara Act (ACA) creates many opportunities and challenges for health systems and clinics, physician practices, medical products, and researchers. For the foreseeable future, efforts will continue to reform, modify, even repeal this transformational Act. Without consensus large changes or even small tweaks will not be accomplished. The Franklin Partnership is well positioned to address its clients concerns before Congress, White House policy staff, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Medicare Payment Advisory Committee (MedPAC), and the Department of Defense (DoD).

The Franklin Partnership’s years of combined experience have resulted in strong relationships with key congressional committees such as Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, Finance, Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, among others. This allows our clients access not only to those setting health care policy but also provides an advantage to our clients when competing interests weigh in.

Health care issues, in particular, require a broad coalition of bi-partisan support from Congress, federal agencies and key Administration officials. We have a proven track record of securing this support for our clients and succeeding whether negotiating a $28 million settlement with CMS or helping to bring millions of DoD research funding to a cancer center.

  • Worked with a major pharmaceutical entity to help to seek and secure over $500 million for pandemic preparedness and antiviral national stockpile funding
  • Helped to secure over $13 million for cancer research funding for one of the nation’s leading Comprehensive Cancer Centers
  • Worked to help secure $1 million for mobile health units and equipment upgrades for a public hospital system
  • Facilitated congressional response to successfully settle a $28 million dispute between the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services and state agencies for a county hospital system
  • Currently engaged with Congress and the Administration to obtain one of 11 PPS exemptions for specialty hospitals in the country
  • Collaborated with coalitions to prevent the implementation of reduced physician reimbursement rates under Medicare
  • Drafted legislation in partnership with DoD and congressional leadership to help establish the TRICARE health system
  • Worked with a community hospital and the US Department of Treasury to increase awareness of organ donations
  • Secured a delay in implementing a CMS rule requiring specialty hospitals to construct and operate Intensive Care Units.