Mark Radke

Of Counsel

Mark Radke is a lawyer with a distinguished career in the area of financial services, specializing in federal securities regulation.  As the Chief of Staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission under Chairman Harvey Pitt, he was responsible for that agency’s rulemaking in response to the Sarbanes Oxley Act.  In private practice, as partner at several multinational law firms, he has represented corporations, brokerage and accounting firms, hedge funds and individuals on corporate governance, compliance, and regulatory issues involving not only the SEC but other federal and state regulators.

He was active in advising clients on legislative initiatives that lead to the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, and in subsequent efforts to extend, implement or amend various components of that and other federal securities legislation.

Mr. Radke has advised political action committees, and other Democratic Party entities in past election cycles. As an adjunct professor at the Georgetown University Law Center, he has taught classes in aspects of securities regulation since 1999.